Monday 9 September 2013

Back Again


I recently bought these decorative eyelashes. I actually wanted Diamond Lash Volume Series Angel Eye but it was out of stock. 

But I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much I like them. They are really comfortable and easy to put on and are great for the droopy eye look without sticking 2 lashes together to  make them extended.

I'm definitely gonna buy more from decorative.


Other news my kitten has gotten soooooooooooooo big

He went from this cute little thing 

To this 

And he's only 5months old.

I really love him 


I'm gonna start my diet again :(

I lost 2 stone then kinda pigged out in the holidays but luckily I only put on 3lbs 

Tonight's Dinner

Roasted chicken breast


bye bye 


Tuesday 30 July 2013

SHINEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 사랑해요


My SHINee album came and I love it. I pre order all their albums and eps cause I am the biggest Shawol ever and I love just them.

I got SHINee Boys Meet You their 2nd Japanese album




I bought the limited edition ver and I got Minho's photocard


The photobook is good but compared to their first album there is a lot less photos

I haven't watched the DVD yet but I will get around to it at some point.

With photo book and DVD/CD case

Poster that came with it and I was so happy since the website said the poster sold out but I guess not.
I stuck it on my living room door and I'm surprised my mom hasn't made me take it down.


2.Breaking News
3.Dazzling Girl
5.Run With Me
6.Kiss Yo
8.Keeping Love Again
9.Burning Up
10.Sherlock Japanese Version
12.I'm With You

Favorite song; I'm stuck between Kiss Yo and Keeping Love Again, but I love all the songs.


Bye for now 


Saturday 27 July 2013

I've been lazy

Good Evening 

It's been a while, but I've been busy with college and other stuff, but college is finished now so I can breathe.


But then I got lazy so I will continue to update PROPERLY now and my room is getting back to normal so I might do some tutorials on bows, nails, eye make etc.


Saturday 29 June 2013

It was my nieces birthday

Good Evening


It was my nieces 3rd birthday a couple of weeks (I think) and for once I actually had fun at a family event especially since the last time.


On my nieces 1st birthday party which was held at my house, I went out and when I came back my room was in a mess, there were naked children running around and piss on my floor. Now apart from my room all these random ass people came, a child shat in my garden and all the adults were getting drunk and I'm just like HELLLO its a 1 year old birthday party not a house party.

I was not even happy at all when my mom said she was having her 3rd birthday party at our house but luckily everything went so fine. I couldn't believe it.


Almost everyone complimented me on my makeup and I was actually really surprised since they never do.


But the only thing I really cared about was the cake and Oh My Oh My did it look so good

We all had to wait HOURS til we could have some and I was bursting for some, and when I finally had a taste it was sooooooooooooooooo good. So bang goes my diet (like I give a fuck)

I managed to eat like a 1/4 of that cake I don't know how but I was happy. lol

 Encase you haven't realized yet I luuuuuv cake 


And my mom made some curried goat (well she used lamb but no one really noticed) and it was just yummy and I don't usually like that kind of stuff but I had second helping of it, since it was so good and my mom needs to make it again asap.

mmm look at that meat with that perfectly cooked rice

envious yet?


That's all for now 

duck is out 

bye bye 


Thursday 27 June 2013

Sick again

I got sick AGAIN. Well I actually I had an asthma attack induced by an allergy so YEAH that was fun but anywayyyy


I went to get my magazinezzz.................................ages ago


This months egg issue came with a free purse

I got a shock when I opened the purse it was like an explosion of neon

Some pages from EGG

and YUN 


Popteen with Mizukitty on the cover

I think the best part of Popteen is the hair tutorials


Lastly Kera

Akira is amazing I wish I could dress like a boy and still look that hot (not that I could ever look hot T-T)

That's all for now 

ta ta  darlings 
